Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

Each zebra has their own unique stripes or markings.

Stripes can, in fact, be useful and here are 3 reasons on how they might have evolved:

  1. One theory is that zebra’s stripes can serve to protect them from harmful flies that are dazzled and therefore struggle to find a place to land. 

  2. Stripes can also serve to distract or disorient predators who are trying to focus on their prey.

  3. Zebra stripes can possibly help regulate a zebra’s body temperature. Theoretically, black stripes would absorb heat in the morning and help to keep them warm, whereas white stripes reflect light and could possibly help cool zebras in the hotter times of day.

Botswana has chosen the zebra as the national animal because it reflects national unity and is found on the country's coat of arms.

If you’d like to see these beautiful animals you should consider a safari to Botswana! We highly recommend our Botswana Big Game Safari!

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