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Explorer's Blog

So, you are heading to Africa! Discover our Explorer's Blog, where you'll find expert planning tips and insightful reflections on everything Africa has to offer.

Circling the Drain
Activities Izza Wei-Haas Activities Izza Wei-Haas

Circling the Drain

Some of the best experiences I have had while travelling are those lucky, happy circumstances that arise out of taking the long route, or stopping for a stretch on a long drive. Recently my greatest personal experience took place in Uganda in eastern Africa…

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Feeling right at home with the Batwa Community in Uganda
Culture, Conservation Izza Wei-Haas Culture, Conservation Izza Wei-Haas

Feeling right at home with the Batwa Community in Uganda

Just another “cultural” experience? Never with Tett Safaris.

I’m always pretty leery of the typical tourist “cultural experience” when I’m traveling. It seems awkward and uninviting to leer into a tribal village like a scheduled spectator. So, when my family visited Uganda last month with Tett Safaris (our first post-COVID trip!) and our guide Abdu offered us the opportunity to visit the Batwa village I was a bit hesitant.

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